Before I close this page, I would like to thank (ABC) and (NBC) Networks for some of the pictures and video clips, which I used for my web site, and FRIENDSHIP for the best singing voices for my background music. Tu'imala, sorry for putting you to work singing on my web site, "smile". Anyway, we both did what we did, for our country. And I would also like to say, "It's not really important who first welcomes the new millennium. The important thing is that the world reaches the new millennium!" We weren't here to see the last millennium change, but right now we're almost to the new one. We are lucky for the opportunity to be here at the right time to celebrate something that only happens once every thousand years! As we approach the year 2000, we can ask God to protect our little planet, and help everyone to understand and love each other. Also to keep the whole world in peace. That's what I call "THE NEW MILLENNIUM". Hopefully the year 2000 will bring a brighter future. Love to all and God bless.

Beautiful Background Vocals: (1) FRIENDSHIP (2) TO'ANGA SETI (3) LOKETI and MORE
Created and Maintained by

-Tu'imala Kaho & Samiuela 'Amanaki

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Kataki 'a e feitu'una 'o tuku ho hingoa 'i he 'eku tohi tali fononga!!

All pictures and items contained on this page were created and/or gathered by me, with noted exceptions of ABC's and NBC's pictures. ©1999, ©2000 by webmaster of Tonga 2K.